Donnerstag, 19.09.2024

Olivia Newton-John (†): Ihre Luxus-Ranch wird zum Verkauf angeboten

Tipp der Redaktion

Anna Krüger
Anna Krüger
Anna Krüger ist eine einfallsreiche Reporterin, die mit ihrer Neugier und ihrem Einfühlungsvermögen Geschichten zum Leben erweckt.

Olivia Newton-John’s widower is now offering their luxurious ranch in California for sale, giving a rare insight into the couple’s happy life together. The estate, known as ‚Indian Way,‘ located in Santa Ynez, boasts over 410 square meters of living space and is listed at a price of approximately 8.3 million euros.

The exquisite residence comprises four bedrooms, four bathrooms, a barn, a guest house, and modern amenities such as a renovated pool and advanced security features. Additionally, a forthcoming auction at ‚Julien’s Auctions‘ will feature items from Olivia Newton-John’s personal collection, with the proceeds allocated to the Olivia Newton-John Foundation Fund.

Olivia Newton-John, a renowned actress and Grammy-winning singer with over 100 million records sold, left behind a rich legacy. The sale of her estate not only sheds light on her elegant lifestyle but also underscores her commitment to cancer research through charitable contributions, ensuring that her impact endures.

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