Samstag, 16.11.2024

Ursula von der Leyen reist auf EU-Wahlkampftour: Politisches Eis in Rom

Tipp der Redaktion

David Hoffmann
David Hoffmann
David Hoffmann ist Journalist und Wirtschaftsredakteur beim Brandenburger Bote. Seine Schwerpunkte liegen auf dem Finanzmarkt, Unternehmensanalysen und wirtschaftlichen Nachrichten aus Brandenburg, die er mit fundiertem Fachwissen und Leidenschaft präsentiert.

Ursula von der Leyen’s visit to Rome during her election campaign tour received a cold reception, with prominent Italian politicians avoiding her. Her warm relationship with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni suddenly turned cold, and the ultraright’s antipathy towards the EU was evident.

Despite previous warm receptions in Rome, Ursula von der Leyen’s visit during her election tour received a cold reception. Italian politicians avoided her, and her strained relationship with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni was apparent. The ultraright’s antipathy towards the EU in Italy was evident. However, amidst this cold reception, von der Leyen found support from a delegation of young Forza Italia members, who expressed their confidence in her and considered her an inspiration.

The article suggests a lack of support and even antipathy towards Ursula von der Leyen in Italy, particularly among prominent politicians. However, the support from a delegation of young Forza Italia members offers a glimmer of positivity amidst the cold reception.

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